A Happy New Year!
Full of Many Blessings
Health, Hope, Happiness
Prosperity & Peace
The last two months have flown by so fast. My apologies to my visitors. Yes, I was fully aware I was not posting however, I did drop in on your blogs for a read from time to time.
I hope everyone's holiday season was all you wished for. As for me, this year was more difficult to embrace then past years since my mother's passing. I felt the weight of the expectations, obligations and the overwhelming swing of emotions.
I would like to say I was off saving the world as Ms. Rambling inquired however, it was only a bit of volunteering. Nonetheless, my honey & I have designated this year as the year of 'Health, Hope & Happiness' and we look forward to many blessings. I so wish the same for all of you. Have a grrreat year!
XO ~ Mom of The Lot out