Monday, April 7, 2008

April already in flow

Well, it looks like I haven't kept up with this blog as I proposed to do in early March lol
Wow, I can't even remember much from March now except knee injury on the 21st for my Honey and then re-injured it on the 25th where he had to take my leftover 800mg Motrin from my surgery last year. Wouldn't you know it we had box seats & court-side seats for the Spurs/Clippers game but lucky me I found a walking cane at the Salvation Army store to help Honey walk. X-rays taken on the 3rd and the doctor appointment in on the 9th. The injury made for a trying trip to AZ. Mainly because we had to load the weight bench and all the weights and then while there unload to only reload the bow flex to bring back. You never realize now much you use your knees on a daily basis until their out of order. But it's finally looking normal after two weeks of issues but there is still some discomfort.
~ Happy Birthday Honey ~ 29th
~ Happy Anniversary Honey ~ 31st
~ Happy Birthday Me! ~ April 2nd
~ Road Trip to Tucson beginning the 28th returning before my birthday of course
~ meet DWB blogger and introduce the doggies on the 31st
~ Congrats Honey for your bonus & your promotion
~ a sister had a birthday ~ 27th
Now for April: last night the wild kid neighbor and his crazy gram were out late and making noise which, of course caused my kids to bark sooooo I stood out on the deck to watch and be seen. If the owners of that house only knew how the people allow their kid to act... last night he was using the garage doors as a soccer goal and I forgot to check to see if there were dents today. The gram was screaming unnecessarily at their puppy Charlie (sweet doggie but not for long I'm afraid). This is not a rental neighborhood, they should move. Oh look at me not being nice ~
We did the lawn work yesterday and it looked wonderful.
I worked in the rock garden today getting ready fur the wood that we must pick up this Friday. My dad called (rare but nice) and oh my dad remembered to call me on my birthday that must mean I am going to have a fabulous year! Hmmm I choose to believe that it means I'll finally loss all the weight I hope to woohoo! Totally enjoyed my birthday and am still celebrating. Oh when we went to the steak house Wednesday we had a way fun waitress Brenda and she really did up our desert when she found out all that we were celebrating, way fun. The best gift though was Honey's mom giving a load of pictures of my Honey from birth to graduation totally priceless.
I was rejected fur low iron blood but since Honey donated 2 units I feel no guilt for the t-shirt they gave me. We thought it was Greenfest Saturday and got up early to go get some free trees but we were wrong so we went to our favorite restaurant and then to donate some blood.
okay now lets see if I can keep this blog up since the kids is keeping overly occupied.
Mom of the Lot out Y