Well, before I throw the wrapper away I want to remember the inside:
Substantialiscious \sub-'stan(t)-shu-'ll-shus\ (noun)
The weight of something when you weigh it with your tongue
3 dogs, 2 humans, 1 fish & now a betta too
Honey always gets home early on Friday's but this time it's a 3-day weekend woohoo
It's Date Day and this time it's never ending - for those of you who know what I'm talking about mmmmm
Friday Night Football starts!!
Whoa... did we accidentally sleep in late but boy was it needed. Gave us the extra oomph to mow the front & back lawn, pluck the glory seeds, water the yard plants individually and do poop patrol. Let the kids have their freedom run, filled their pools and played ball with them. Cut our very first plume from our pampas, trimmed a new tree and deweeded.
Now we relax with a cold can of Coke… mmmmmm and a PB&J… brings out the kid in us : )
High school football starts next week… yeah what a treat!
Boy do I love golf commercials with the exception of the Crown Plaza ones; don't really like 'em. However, most all other golf commercials are so meaningful and the music is always right on point.. Can you tell we're watching a tournament?
A night without dreams! or at least I do not remember them if I did
I am somewhat more rested and the bad dreams are a faint memory!
Pondering thoughts on the prescription vitamin which, I did not take yesterday. Could that have something to do with the sudden sleep time brain activity? We'll see... I just took one :)
The light of The Lord is shining on us...
All I can think of that has changed in my pattern is a prescription vitamin and maybe that could be stimulating this weird brain activity. I woke around 4 AM from another freaky dream and it took a long time to fall back asleep but wouldn't you know it, just when I returned to sleep the alarm rings, had to drag out of bed again. If I had taken the time to write it down while I tossed and turned, I might have acquired a better sense of what the heck is going on... dang I'm tired !
Dream description deleted - it's a fading memory... yeah!
I prefer the REAL World
I did not have a restful sleep at all. When that first alarm went off this morning I was what the! The TV timer had already gone off so the news seemed to be blasting, I rolled over to try and catch some more zzz’s but that didn’t happen ‘cos the next alarm sounded even louder! AAWWWW now I have to mask the grouchy feelings so I can send the honey off in good spirits. But it just was too tough! Ginger got into the trash and had ketchup cups scattered around her bed and that just set me off dang dog!
Thank goodness Hubby has this special knack at saying, gesturing or acting in a way that snaps me right out of the ranting… he did just that, he came into the kitchen made eye contact with the dogs and said: “good luck kids, I’m sorry you have to stay here with her” the dogs all started wagging their tails and headed down the hall behind him for the front door goodbye rubs. Helllooooo what about me??? It worked…I started chuckling ‘cos they were plotting against me.
So honey is out the door, I shoo the kids back to the kitchen, I realize I forgot to give the vitamin water packets to the honey so I run to the door and swing it open to see his truck is already gone!!! How is that possible! Was I that scary this morning for him to get out the door, arrange his stuff in the back seat, get in the front and be down the road within like a minute???
Well, since the kids didn’t seem to want to go out and potty, I shut the backdoor, gave them a treat and headed up the stairs to lie down and call the hubby. I can only imagine what he thought when he saw my name on caller ID… probably didn’t want to answer. Lol… he answered with yeeeeess and I was ‘where are you’… pretending to be all mad but I quickly altered the tone so he would know I just playing… anyway I wanted him to know that I know he did not warm up the truck, not even 30 sec for him to be where he was by the time I called. Anyway by speeding away from the crime zone so to speak he wasn’t going to have any vit water, ha
So I tried to make my eyes close to catch a little more rest and that just didn’t happen. I flipped the channels to see all the morning news. The hubby called to let me know he arrived safe but it seemed as if it was like 2-minutes after I fell back asleep. Okay I think this day is against me, ugh!
By 8:47 AM I figured… that’s it I better get up ‘cos there’s no more sleeping for me as it is I need to put the trash out so I don’t miss the truck again. SO I dress grab the inside garbage and head out the back to get the heavy receptacle, roll it to the curb clean up the front, check the new plums (only two, not there like originally thought) and then let the kids out for a quick corner romp. Why just why… so Sparky set my mood back for a second ‘cos gross he grabbed some poop some rude neighbors let their little beast dump a load and they didn’t pick it up!!!! I wish I had caught them because they would have to pay a fine!!! Anyway, I screamed, he dropped it out of his mouth and they all ran to the safety of their backyard. I was so mad at the whole incident that I grabbed the shovel and flipped the poop into the street… now that I am exposing my bad conduct I feel silly but I would look crazy if I want to retrieve it out of the road don’t cha think?
When I came in I decided to skip breakfast go for lunch so I grabbed a soda! That always calms me down and I headed for the computer to check my mails and watch some TV. While sitting here I began to wonder why am I having such a crappy day. I don’t want a crappy day and I have to do something to change it so…. I start typing it out and realize it was because of the unexplainable disturbing dream!
I’ve never read about what dreams mean so I have no idea what the combination of all the weirdness in the dream means… my memory is so foggy. I guess if I had thought to write everything down I could remember shortly after the honey had left I could get a better analyses of its meaning but…. Remember I was grouchy and sleepy!
Edited 08/22: Dream details deleted - it's fading so why keep it in print
It didn’t make sense, it turned my stomach to think about it... I normally forget dreams shortly after I wake but unfortunately not this one... can't remember all of the dream but it weighed heavily on my mind
Also, I did not proof any of this original or edited post… I just typed it as fast as it came to mind without thinking about it because I wanted to remember enough to discuss it with my honey and try to make some sense out of it… so I chose to delete the details as I mentioned when I originally posted (then I may delete the post if it is still disturbing me…)
I like it better when I just don’t remember dreaming. I guess the next thing is to get lost in some project to help me pass the day... AND I did!
We are now all inside to recoup, awwwwwwh, ac. The dogs have crashed, the honey is reclining, I'm at the computer and we're listening to some good ministries, did I say awwwwwwh!
Under deck water proofing project is done. We should have developed this longtime ago, silly us. We are prepared for any repercussions sent our way from a hurricane or tropical depression. Additionally, it will help keep everything dry and out of the sun on a daily basis... cool beans!
I may be exhausted but I have the desire to do some rearranging out back... of course we can't move the trees but... what is up with me??? I must be delirious... lol
Smiles - Mom & Dad of The Lot must relax...
God Bless those in Dean's path, keep them safe
reminder: b-test
Crikit:***Annihilate… as fast as you can
Sparky:* Leap for them… the higher the better
Ginger:* Can’t get enough… jump no jump it don’t matter just blow 'em
Mom & Dad of The Lot are done...
Hope to see some shooting stars tonight... if I can stay awake long enough!
Yeah Tiger Woods!
Good thing there's wasn't much on the TV today or that could have altered my success.
Well, yesterday was tough and all I can remember was a great lupper lol that's lunch & supper in one; ooooh it was so good! I know we stopped at two stores afterwards but I guess since I was dragging all I remember was we had great Mexican food and going to bed to only be shocked that a mosquito made it to our room and had the nerve to land on my CHEEK! ugh, yup I killed it!!! Good thing today was so good because two moody days in a row would have been horrible for the honey and kids... we had lots of love love today, Thank You Lord
After visiting some blogs, clicking on links and visiting more blogs I knew it was time to return home.
I am daunted when I find a post/someone in this big wide web world which, I so relate to and I have never even met them.
It has happened more than I would have ever expected but tonight... I felt I was reading about me; I cried for them and for me, the loss of a family pet is heart wrenching
Heavenly Father...*** I'm needing some comfort
Broke down and gave into the fried chicken craving I have been having for weeks.
.... only because I was driving by ....
Yuck - I forgot how greasy it can be but the crust mmmmm
Good thing though - it lead me back to my baked chicken
So I really love the Health Rider I bought from the moving neighbors
yeee-haw ridem cowgirl
Even the hubby is into it!
Looove my Pasha! Looove my Saber!
Realllly really like my Neil - Realllly really like my Lacey
Really like Danny & Really like Lauren
But I forgot to vote until the last 30-mins, dang!
Monday is a long wait to find out...
Early to bed - finally
It's Monday and I am struggling to remember the weekend!
What did we do?
Well we have been so busy that neither one of us have posted
I hope I can remember what's been going on
I think I'll sleep on it :)
Honestly? Okay... King of King's is on and I want to watch it in bed
Kids are settled with their new chews so...
Parents of the Lot are headed up...