Sunday, August 19, 2007

Prepared for Dean

Exhausted - But Done

We are now all inside to recoup, awwwwwwh, ac. The dogs have crashed, the honey is reclining, I'm at the computer and we're listening to some good ministries, did I say awwwwwwh!
Under deck water proofing project is done. We should have developed this longtime ago, silly us. We are prepared for any repercussions sent our way from a hurricane or tropical depression. Additionally, it will help keep everything dry and out of the sun on a daily basis... cool beans!
I may be exhausted but I have the desire to do some rearranging out back... of course we can't move the trees but... what is up with me??? I must be delirious... lol
Smiles - Mom & Dad of The Lot must relax...

God Bless those in Dean's path, keep them safe

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