Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The View from my window

Ugh! stupid women driver! I prefer to think women are better drivers but I saw a stupid one today!
So, I have sent the hubby off to work and the bad habit pattern is to go back upstairs to lay and watch the news till he calls me that he has arrived safely. I usually lift the shades a bit to peek out if I need to and see the activity that may cause my dogs to bark. Well, I am hearing a semi and it apparently is not passing by, it sounds as if it's parking. Since the neighbors across the street are moving, seems logical to think the truck is for them... I look out
No way am I seeing ... great technique from WWV driver and a stupid silver van woman driver who lost her senses! Okay, she wants to turn left onto the road semi driver has backed into (so he can turn around and go back downt he road he came from) and he is located perfect in the street section as if he drove down the hill and stopped at the sign properly. Stupid woman driver has no stop sign and chooses to stop in the middle of the road instead of driving up and taking her left turn. Semi driver waves to her to go on but she just sits there and blocks traffic. I thought - stand off no way - but women doesn't budge! Well, semi driver I'm sure is on the clock so he goes ahead and takes his right but because he has that long trailer he has to pull way out into the intersection to avoid running over curbs. He gets really close to the woman's front bumper and she doesn't move. He begins to back up so he can attempt to acquire more room and stupid woman driver decides okay maybe I should back up a little causing the car behind her to reverse as well. That gave semi driver the edge he needed. But after the driver is on his way, what does stupid woman do? I watch her move toward the intersection and take her left BUT if she were taking a driving test she would have FAILED! She had all the room in the world to turn left while semi driver was at his stop sign but after he has left the area she turn left as if she was driving in ENGLAND and would have hit any car stopped on that side of the road head on! No wonder she stopped traffic and wanted Mr Semi Driver out of her way. Additionally, all she had to do was drive past the intersection approximately 12 houses and she would be able to turn onto the same road she wanted to get to in the first place.... stupid silver van woman driver... they give us woman a bad name!
I need to go do something...

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