Though we're both relaxing now with the aide of the TV and computer, we were definitely getting it done today! Busy busy oh my...
I intentionally kept my eyes closed this morning in hopes I would fall back asleep but what da-ya know, the honey woke up early and was ready to get a move on. We went to bed so late last night since we were out on deck with our heads crocked to the sky hoping to see some shooting stars 'the castor's said after midnight look northeast'... I saw one for sure maybe two but I think my tired eyes were playing tricks on me. Hubby said he saw three but he's just now telling me so huh sure ya did honey... anyhow we were up way earlier than I would have ever guessed!
I went down first to let the kids out and fix some coffee after of course giving the big morning rubs. The kids need their morning love rub before they will go out to do there morning routines; When Ginger heads out the doggie door she takes her ritual stance on deck to do her new day scan of the neighborhood before she goes down to check the yard to see what new smells are around and of course her business; Sparky goes straight down and does his business then checks the new smells - that's my boy business first; Crikit likes to stay inside for extra morning petting because I usually message her legs to help her morning stiffness She runs so dang hard for her ball when playing that it seems logical she would get stiff muscles after a long night of sleep..
So I make coffee and the honey comes around the corner and like usual is bombarded with the kids morning love leaps; really if they could talk I presume they would be hurry dad lets go play!!!!
Well, hubby went to play, I went to dress and then we had a mini breakfast and headed out to take care of the front yard. Hubby this time edged everything and mowed the corner section while I reel mowed my front section. We then rinsed down everything. Refreshed Boy Fish and then let the kids out front to sniff there area without their leashes. Dad of The Lot stayed by the open gate and I by the stop sign to keep watch in all directions that no other dogs/cats were headed our way. They seem to love the freedom romp and Dad takes them down to the end of the side fence and commands 'go get mommy' and they haul butt back to me. You can see the joy in their faces during their freedom run. Once they stop sniffing and take a squat one of us give the command 'let's go home' and they all head for the gate to the backyard. I am always so please with their ability to follow commands but sometimes their behavior is not so favorable when other animals are around or at least the leader of the pack Crikit goes into "protect my family" mode. Sparky will either take on the pack mentality or whine for Dad or I to come quick. Little Ginger will stay a good distance away from potential harm or behind Dad or I for safety. They all have such amazing personalities that bring us such joy.
Anyhow, I got off subject and was meaning to focus on their baths. Our big girl Crikit loves her baby pool to begin with so she was no problem other than she was finished with her bath before we decided she was... Sparky stayed close by to give her support but was not too excited to have his turn. He did good after we both got into the deep message wash but he really likes to choose when he gets wet rather than us deciding for him. Most of the time when the water is on he takes position between my legs because he know I won't spray myself and Dad knows better than to spray Mom,,,Our Ginger though for being so small sure is strong when she doesn't want to lay down in the water; she tested our strength and patience but all in all it was obvious they loved their baths after it was all over and done with... Their probably having the best nap ever right now!
So after the front yard spiff up and the kids baths we headed out to pick up some lunch. Though I am trying to cut back from the soda it sure did taste delightful!!
Well, everyone is napping now but me... I am obviously posting and watching the PGA on one TV and some animated ant movie on the other while being serenaded by one or all of them snoring... hmmm I think I should close and catch one myself because we are so Done! Wow, all those chores by noon! Props to us
I expect the rest of the day we will enjoy the coolness and comforts of our home. Stick a fork in it...
Mom & Dad of The Lot are done...
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