Sunday, October 28, 2007


whoa ... are we tiiiiired
did all kinds of things with:
2 shovels, sledge hammer, rake, aerator, box cutter, rope, wheel barrel, 80 lbs of potting soil, 40 lbs of mulch, weed eater, extention cord, gallon jug, liquid fertilizer, rain water, hedge hog, push broom, water hose, garbage bags, hats, gloves, sunglasses and sunblock
and we still need more mulch... lol
plus we have three very tired dogs 'cos no naps were had... they seem to feel they must guard and protect our every move... that's love for ya Y I even bet Boy Fish would flip on out of his pond to help if he could get along without his water :) Thank you Lord

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Maxed Out

We had such a full day! Guess it made up for the lack there of yesterday.
Now even though I chose to ignore the alarm and sleep another hour we still hustled once we woke:
made coffee 'cos I promised, played with the dogs gathered the dog stuff to wash at the local laundry mat loaded the truck let the dogs romp out front for a few headed for the bank then the washateria load two huge front loads got tacos next door waited for the loads to finish to only get rushed by some rude people who seem to think we had their special machine separated and loaded the dryers got grossed out 'cos there was a bug running around monitored the loads to pull out items suring the dry cycle 'cos the doggie sweaters would shrink and one of the pads is sewed with nylon thread unfortunately one of the rugs didn't fare too well but we loaded up and headed to the dollar store to replace Crikits chewed up food bowl because it has to be plastic since she likes to pick it up and carry it over to us when she wants to be fed and if we ignore her she will slap it on the ground or bump us with it till we serve her so I roamed every isle because I forgot what I went there for and still managed to find and purchase many things but the bowl to then head to another bargain store which no longer had what we wanted and then to a particular grocery store which no longer had what we went for and then home to unload the doggie laundry plus the groceries so I could fix lunch while the honey watched his college game so I aired out and de-haired all the doggie articles we just washed plus played ball a little then brought in and put away the doggie things till it gets colder and when the game ended oh and they won we headed for a garden center to purchase garden components for tomorrows winterizing project and on the way home pulled in for a drive-thru dinner because I was too tired to cook and upon arriving home the intent was to relax eat then water feed and potty the children so we will can it a night! ~
I know it's the longest run on sentence but I'm maxed... MOTL out

Friday, October 26, 2007

Just Love Date Day!

yup... I just love Friday's as I always mention ~ Date Day! Love it!

DOTL and I still have the newlywed mentality and we are still each others best friend... what a blessing! Actually, one of life's major blessings, goodness we've been together almost a decade! Most everyone we know has mentioned the uniqueness of our relationship and I think it is definitely strengthened by dedicating a Date Day to us! After all, life does tend to get busy so if you dedicate time ooooh how it can only make your relationship more wonderful. Since DOTL gets off early on Friday's, we made that our special day because most people are still at work. It's also great having a 2.5 day weekend all the time... yup... life is good.
Thank You Lord.


this day went completely off schedule
plus a cross between cool and warm... just can't figure it out
memory stamp: ordered

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

History in The Sky

How awesome ~ we witness history last night. The neighbors most likely though we were peepers! If they saw us standing out on our deck in the cold dark night with binoculars :) lol
They either were not interested, did not know or didn't care... whatever we care... for more reasons than I need to list... we both worked at Boeing CA. I on the International Space Station program and the honey managed the building of the Delta Rockets that put the shuttle into space! Well Tuesday night both the International Space Station (ISS) was visible by the human eye for a short bit and of course longer with binoculars or a telescope but man did it move fast! Shortly after it pasted the Space Shuttle was behind it by about 10-minutes also visible by the human eye. I have to say though, you couldn't miss the ISS because it was BRIGHT! The Shuttle was not so bright, a little harder to see but slower moving in comparison. It was at an obvious angle so in due time it would catch the ISS so to speak and dock. What is extra special about this event is that women were in the pilot seats of both vehicles! How spectacular is that!
Oh, a bit of info... the next time the full moon is on Halloween is in the year 2020

Monday, October 22, 2007

Just chatter

I looked at the clock at 5:02 AM because I woke up to the sound of strong winds and rain. My mind began to go through the list of things outside that could possible be disturbed by this sudden weather change. I didn't do anything about the ones that weighed on my mind because hubby woke up too and told me I shouldn't be concerned, he didn't think it sounded that bad... yeah right I should have got up and took care of them because our really nice heavy duty lighted umbrella ~ SNAP ~ oh how disappointing... the flag pole bent a little and the garbage receptacle tried to roll into the middle of the road according to the hubby when he called me from the truck to tell me he put it back in front of our driveway but other than that... all seemed relatively okay.
I was forced to get dressed earlier than usual because when I looked out the window to review the weather well... the receptacle was again trying to make it to the middle of the road.. it was past the corner stop sign and a few feet towards the middle of the road... hmph has a mind of its own. However, by the time the truck came by and emptied there seem to be a parade of receptacle's working it... I heard the truck and fortunate was home so I could retrieve ours before it went on another journey. I redid our identification in the event it tries to get away again but I bet there are numerous neighbors that haven't which, means you may get someone else's that may not have been taken care of very well... yuck! I for one have written down the serial number of ours but who knows if others think in the same silly way I do. After all, the city did say if you need a replacement it will cost you big... if I can help it we're not paying for one. Sheesh enough about garbage already :)
Even thought the wind was harsh and cold considering yesterday was blistering sun and heat, I decided to put on my rain jacket and do a little plant maintenance... now I am thawing and that must be why I chatting on about these silly things...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

suuun ~ day

woke up considerably early considering I stayed up till almost 3Am
why... I don't know, I worked pretty hard yesterday but dang
so I went down to let the kids out and then I headed back up
since the honey was awake we turned on the ministries
within the hour our big girl Crikit got brave apparently...

I looked up from bed 'cos I saw something move to find Crikit creeping around the corner to our room... we made eye contact and she decided to chance it and came closer wagging her tail hard enough to make dad open his eyes... she was good though, she didn't even step off the carpet protector... what a good girl. When we decided to get up the baby apparently was sitting at the top of the stairs listening because our movement prompted her to run in for a pet too... at least she stayed on the protector too.
When we headed down, Sparky was waiting by the doggie door to be the first one out to play so when the other two came around the corner followed by DOTL, Sparky rushed the doggie door and waited on deck for football practice... his favorite game with dad :)
I had a rock project in mind and knew we needed breakfast for energy but I didn't feel like cooking... I knew honey would jump at a moments notice if I mentioned breakfast tacos if you drive :) worked and mmmm they were good!
Had a front-yard rock project in mind but it took so long to complete, we altered the plans however, still made wonderful progress... but dang the sun was hot! it felt like I had a hot frying pan on my cheeks... it kinda altered my mood and the project was cut short.
but I found the energy to cook a great late lunch and enough to have for dinner.... mmmm Salmon Sunday... the rest of the day was strictly R & R that included a little evening romp time with the kids and backyard clean up... nice close a really good day

Saturday, October 20, 2007

agenda in review

woke up and made coffee ~ rare event
dad played with the kids in the cool morning weather ~ I only watched
Ginger couldn't help but bark at jumpin bean kids in back
made a drive thru bank deposit and the teller didn't even speak to us; hmph
finally made the party city returns
headed for the movie and yeehaw popcorn & soda always tastes better!
saw "Ten Commandments" especially made to reach out to children
headed to Office Max to use my fabulous coupon before it expired
returned home with energy and began the under deck project
took a break for a Whataburger mmmmm
honey watched the college games, especially his Alma-mauter who lost by 1 :(
the cool weather helped me finish the outside stuff and the kids loved it!
all that and couldn't sleep... sigh

Friday, October 19, 2007

Woo Hoo ~ Date Day!!

Must beautify!
so many restaurants we keep saying were gonna visit
but back to our favorite Mexican restaurant ah gain
mmmmm so good and sooo worth it
Love Date Day!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

? ? ... anyone?

what's a 'mohetoe'? (msp) Ellen mentioned it today? Now I am thinking it's a mixed drink but...
I have intentionally not written about the turmoil Ellen has spoken of the puppy Iggy because it just hurts my heart and I want to say evil things about the owner of Mutts and Moms... all I know is it is an ego trip for that shelter manager and not really about placing dogs in a loving home or this would not have happened!
I am still holding out hope and saying a few prayers that Iggy is returned to his family and Ruby's loving embrace.

long day in All Ways

That's right this was a long day.... it was too hot to do anything outside and I did my best to keep the dogs desire to stay in too.... felt like spring cleaning but couldn't get the umph to get started.... I didn't even cook! One really nice moment of the day was when I opened the the front room curtains to expose a beauty, a single blossom near the top of our tree that was so beautiful! Exciting because the tree did not really bloom this year but wow! Its been suggested that it's a flowering Maple even though it is unusual for our area of the south and considering it was windy, this was the best picture I could get through the window :)
Attended the Home Owner's Association meeting. They tend to run long 'cos you get those individuals that want to tell their stories instead of sticking to the issue or question. Tonight was no different and before the end of the meeting when the last bit of open floor questions were requested... who knew I was going to open up a major topic of discussion that flustered so many! Now for our little community to have 344 homes you would think we would have a large turn out but it was a disappointment that approximately 35 homes were all that were represented.
I say: those who did not make it a point to lend two hours of their time for the sake of their community should not complain. That's how I feel about any open election, if you don't use your right to vote you have no right to complain! oops back to the subject at hand....Curious of what the question of the night was to spark such fireworks? All I asked was: I read somewhere that we were going to change the gate codes on the pedestrian gates? And though the President looked baffled, he grasped for a response that I thought sounded unprepared and in case I needed to validate, I had the newsletter that baited the community to attend the meeting by probing for security reasons it was time to change the gate codes. Whoa... my Q triggered the longest and most combusted discussion of the night! Who knew little ole me could cause such a ruckus :) (maybe when I was really young) totally unintentional but we can never get in that gate when walking into the community and wondered what the issue was; anyhow it ended up being put on the floor for a vote to fix the broken lock mechanism or to leave it unlocked all the time - what's the use of having all the other gates locked 24/7 if we're going to leave that one by the community center where most of the unwanted incidents are occurring? Anyways...turns out we had one in the crowd that was trying to make it a 'racist' issue... unbelievable. It seems as if, lately in the news and now our community is, if you don't like the outcome pull your 'racist card out of your back pocket' uuugh!! That just wrong. What is happening to the world around us and I could go on and on but I know I will ruin my night so I'll stop here and go catch some zzzzzzzzz
MOTL out...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Crazy Weather

I so enjoy overcast with a cool breeze... It just makes me feel alive and if I don't do something outside it seems as if I'm missing out on life!
Used up about two hours of energy before the sun decided to come out and rule the day... transplanted some bushes, filled the wheel barrel with rocks, prepping for the frontyard up coming project... experimented with the weed eater ~ scary thing ~ but I worked on dismantling the rock/fire pit garden and yeah! only had one little mishap... gave some hormones to some of the plants :) that sounds funny and then the breeze stopped, the Sun came out and decided to hug me with his heat... he chased me into the house... hmph
Sure would like a soda but not bad enough to get in the car and go get one!
Ginger was good while out front but she is starting to get a little more daring off her leash, so I have to watch her a bit more closely... and she doesn't like going back into the backyard once out front... it's cute but I sure don't like having to repeat myself or raise my voice... see, just like a child... sigh

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday Tid Bits

very cool weather ~ I wish I had spent more time outside
got a bit of morning rain so, I re-fertilized the front
Craving PINK lemonade ~ did you know that lemon water preferably hot is great for combating cholesterol? Provided you don't add sweetener!
I was a slacker most of the day... shame on me
The misty weather was fun for our evening playtime with the kiddos
Honey finished off the fertilizer on the last half of the backyard
Cooked up some turkey treats for dinner
we watched the tube and then...
I should of realized honey didn't feel like walking
I got him out of the house but that didn't go well...
we had a disagreement which, is very unusual for us
100 yards up the road he turned around and headed back home
Crikit & I continued on through the neighborhood
the still damp night made me feel so very alone
but when we returned home sigh
he was no where to be found downstairs
so I got the dogs ready for bed, cleared up the kitchen
headed up to find that he was already asleep...
I don't like going to bed without clearing things up first but
that's life sometimes... sigh
MONDAY notes: planted the ivy's and called the niece for a chat

Monday, October 15, 2007

PINK Casio Camera!

Great Cause plus an awesome GIVEAWAY! go-enter-link!

Oh and don't forget to click out through way of the PINK logo on the side panel :)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Wee Hours of the Morning Freak Out

i'll update later...
okay now that a little time has gone by I guess I could say my title is a bit exaggerated
So... I'm sleeping and in a very active dream where I heard my mother's voice (whom has passed and it's still hard...) however, I do not recall seeing her. Additionally, I cannot remember what the dream was about or any of the other people/places in it however...

What I do remember it that it was fast-paced and a simultaneously sequenced "real life/dream" ~ In the dream I was rushing somewhere ~ In the semi-conscious state real life I was realizing I needed to go to the bathroom ~
I moved so aggressively when I rolled over and jump out of bed that my movement woke up the hubby! But I think I was maybe moving fast in the dream!? I didn't even sit up I rolled into a standing position with the weight on my left leg and proceeded to take a large fast step with my right to only fall violently to the floor and my hands hit a wooden nightstand table which, was temporarily in an precocious place yet for that moment was in a great location to help me catch myself... both my hands slapped it hard to add to the confused state with the LOUD noise of the slap and my body hitting the floor in a sitting position...yet it kept me from hitting my head. Ultimately it helped me attempt to stand back up to only fall into bed and curl up into a fetal position because my right leg was in pain. I also needed to calm the weirded out hubby so he would go back to sleep, after all it was still the wee hours of the morning. I laid their in a freaked state of mind because it felt like I was in two worlds at the same time with two different agendas. In real life I actually hyper-extended my right leg when I took that large step; I didn't realize it then but I could not feel my right leg and it did not hold my weight but I felt the pain so I chose to ignore the nature call. The ability to be somewhat okay hours later and obtain an idea or comprehension of what a paralyzed person might experience left me scared, grateful, confused, freaked out and if I were to put down all my other emotions and feelings that could make this a really really long post!
Anyhow, I am still in disbelief of it all and still have tenderness to the back of the right knee.
strange huh?!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Chocolate Craving Resolved ~ next ~

oooooh did my honey find the perfect quick fix for that awful chocolate craving, it's been haunting me for a while now!
Marie Calendar's I Y Chocolate Cream Pie (Just Thaw & Serve)
I am so content but for some strange reason, the chocolate thing has now changed to a banana craving. It's hard to figure out what my body is deficient of, to be having these odd ball cravings and NO I am not pregnant... lol
Funny... last night when DOTL purchased the pie for our home Date I really didn't care too much for it. I didn't want to say anything, after all DOTL went out of his way to help me but after it completely thawed (overnight)... ooooh was it goood. Guess I should have paid more attention to the label on the box huh :)
It triggered my memory of a "Cow Paddy Pie" I use to make... I plan to do so soon now. Oh and my version is sensational if I must toot my own horn :) ...of course you need to be a chocolate lover. I would say it's a cross between the Cream Pie we just had and Turtle Cheese Cake.
I think I'll go buy a banana 'cos this has been going on for a couple of days... sheeesh what's next???


So I stayed up late unintentionally therefore, choosing to ignore the 5 AM alarm. However, the TV woke up and I left it on so I would not go back into a deep sleep but I did reset the alarms to start going off at 5:35 AM to get me up and into the shower. However, I forgot to turn the other two off before stepping into the shower so the they successfully got me in and out of the shower in a matter of minutes which, is totally unusual for me.
Well, the alarms were so successful that I was showered, ready and unloading the garage by 6:15 AM. Since my main goal was to sell our microwaves anything else was just for the possibility of more profit. The Spring sub-sales usually have more crowds so I was content with our sales by 10 AM and began packing the left overs. By 11:00 AM we were headed out the door and on our way to our favorite Mexican restaurant!
Now I need a nap so catch ya later zzzzzzzzz

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pitty Pout

It's Day Day! and I don't feel well... I would actually like to curl up in the lounge chair and indulge in an ice cream cake or something with my sweetheart.
but nooooo...
I need to get some things together for the sub-sale tomorrow! It doesn't mean we can't still have some kind of goodie! I think for the first time in years I am having some small reaction to this shot and that is why I was up most of the night... so it doesn't help that I'm tired too!
But hey... I think a sweet sounds like a good remedy mmmmm just the thought of it...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Flu shot

ugh ~ at least it made me sit down and get somewhat caught up on my draft posts
I wanted to do so much today around the house
I just found out there is a sub-garage sale this weekend
(hello where is the communication people??)
but my arm aches...
at least the weather's nice

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Whata Wednesday

mmm it made me think of Whataburger oooh wouldn't that taste good right now...

The weather was so nice I decided to do some garage cleaning then when I decided to take a break I went in to watch some soaps and shred mail and low and behold I notice that I finally got a credit card application in my MARRIED name. I was beginning to think that public records must not ever be updated considering we've been together for years and for years I have been receiving a whole heck of a lot of credit card apps in my maiden name. I just feel like I have to save that one :)
Stuffed on left over pizza and spent about 2-minutes feeling guilty that we didn't walk last night boo on us and oh still hadn't updated any of the drafts...
I seem to be slacking but I had a nice long chat with my LLF, I missed my shows but... oh well
there's always reruns :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Today's Mission

to complete all the previous posts that are still in draft mode!
to walk tonight since we're having pizza for dinner
to complete the doggies draft posts before I get bit!
to find time to finish the drafts and visit my bloggie friends
~ ~ ~
gosh how easy it is to get behind!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

MON ~ day

Came & went and I cannot remember anything other than we snuck out from dancing with the stars... I know, why would we be sneaking out, it's not like we had a party going on or anything and the kids well they were out playing...
All I know is I had to go to the doctor and then give a blood sample and I was feeling blue so when I said I wanted a piece of chocolate cake or even a chocolate donut the honey said lets go!... as long as your driving... ugh I didn't want to drive but I sure did have a craving so we were BAD... we went to get my car some gas and we bought a bag of chocolate donuts and two bags of chips to munch on for the rest of our Monday shows...
awwwwh it's so nice to fill a craving rather that fight it off... totally kicked blue's butt away!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Energy out the ying yang

We were tired from the late night but boy did we find some energy after picking up a couple of McMuffins... which by the way I tried the Huckleberry on and it was delicious!
SO we:
did the front lawn
did the poop patrol then the back lawn
used the lawn blower & vacuum bag to remove the abundance of leaves & acorns
tested the acorns and separated them
planted the yukas that were part of the hit & run
fertilized the front and part of the back
feed all the plants and trees
oh and Sampson's (the attack dog up the road) dad was riding by and tried to coax Ginger over for a petting. She was in the front with me for a few minutes but I knew 'it ain't happenin' she boofed till they left :)
we worked ourselves tired and to think Monday's not a work holiday for us... sigh

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Game Night

Apparently going to bed early causes one to wake up early... what a concept lol

SO I had this coupon for Office Max that expired today; I got up and ready pretty fast then said honey aren't you ready? IT worked he got ready really quick! Usually I'm the slow one :) so while we were at this new shopping strip we decided to check out World Market 'cos the babe had no ideal what kinda store it was... Then we headed home chowed on the angel hair left overs from Date Day and then we headed back out the door to go to the garden center. I wanted to find out what type of bush/tree I was given a few years ago that is soooo beautiful and the garden show had their live radio show going on and guess who was on the radio ticktock ticktock time up you guessed it ~ ME! oh and there was Swanson's free ice cream ooooh the ice cream sandwich was soooooo gooood!! We purchased the fertilizer then went home and I cooked a sensational lunch if I say so myself... then napped to replenish energy for the football game while the honey watched the AZ game.
Almost forgot: In between all that I talked my honey into stopping and helping me pick up the left overs of three huge yuka's that someone ran down. While unloading them into the backyard the grandpa neighbor decided to cross over while going to the mailbox and I was a tad nervous cos we had all three dog without their leashes sniffing the front corner. Well thank the Lord they are relatively well behaved and they didn't growl or bark at neighbor and though Crikit's hair began to raise and I think neighbor got a bit nervous, Crikit listened when DOTL told her to settle and go home which means get in the backyard. Ginger who usually runs from any human actually trotted after him till he said 'no Ginger' and I think she was shocked he said her name and she stopped but then Sparky with his flapping ears and big grin started trotting up to neighbor and the moment neighbor reached out to pet him Sparky ducked and cowered away. That's why Crikit quickly took attention and slowly walked over to him with her tail wagging which, for DOTL and me we know is her trick to get someone close to only turn around and snip at them to scare them away. I'm just glad none of them barked their scary bark so he wouldn't think bad of them.
Oh and I got to talk with my sister in PA... niece Elizabeth's mom
The game started off great and then simmered down. One of the band's didn't show cos they were at a competition and we had a couple of inconsiderate bleacher patrons and at the end of the game the star running back got injured and ended his HS football career but since he is already committed to OSU he's set. The one thing I am grateful for is the honey dropping me off to get seats because he ended up parking almost a mile away!!! We even left home early to ensure we got parking but if we had only known one of the large parking lots was blocked off for another HS homecoming dance we would have left two hours before game time. At least the team we were cheering for won...
Had to play with the kids when we got home cos they acted neglected and then to bed we went exxxxhausted!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Date Day & Errands galore

What a morning... so I didn't start off as early as I wanted to but I got out the door early enough to get to the High School before the students got out for lunch. Boy the new edition to the campus went up fasssst. Anyway, I followed the same path I took last year to buy tickets on campus and when I entered the door it definitely had been rearranged, so I greeted the student and made that comment to only get a snubbish response ugh kids and their no manner actions really pinch my nerve... so I headed over to the area where I use to get the tickets and (excuuuuuse me lady behind the desk could I have disturbed you not working when your suppose to be any more? helllllo I am contributing to this campus athletic fund by buying two tickets so be pleasant why don't cha) but she was rude to say the least. I wanted to give her a lesson on manners but I knew to walk a way! No wonder the student at the greeters desk was as rude as she was when I first walked in... huh but on a good note, at least I saved a couple of dollars and time by buying them at the school instead of standing in the long line to buy them at the game.
Since I was out and about, my intentions are to do as much as possible to save gas. I headed to my dad's house to give him a belated birthday gift and quickly realized that I should have called though 'cos of all times they were not home... quite unusual but nonetheless I left the gift and headed to the best Dollar store in town. I roamed every isle and it was relaxing and I got some good deals! Made it all worthwhile.
Honey gets home early on Friday's and because 'never ending' is actually ending I knew we were headed that way for our Date Day mmmm no complaints from me
Upon filling our bellies to complete contentment we headed for the warehouse grocery store that was close. Best way to visit when your full... SO we got the few things we needed and headed over to my local nieces house. I was too excited about the birthday gift we got her and I wanted her to have it right away. Actually, since I like to celebrate my birthday all month long I was tempting her to do the same 'cos after all she will be

~ sweet sixteen ~

She's looking too adorable and well, we visited for a few while waiting for my sister to get home so I could pick up some things she had for me/us. Also, they brought us some souvenirs from their summer vacation and wow who ever knew there was such a thing as Wild Huckleberry Jam and ooooh it is so goooood!
Well, to bed early it will be a long day tomorrow since the game doesn't start till the evening! It will be the number 1 vs the number 2 team in the city with one of the best High School running backs in the Nation! Plus both bands are really good.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursday again wow

SO... I had a whole lot of tasks to complete today and well I cancelled them!

Turns out the honey was wrong and the game is Saturday not tonight!

yeah! I didn't fill like getting out into the world today

plus I really don't feel like typing

I may update later but we'll see...

Found It

Thank goodness! Now I can get the new tag at the grocery store just down the road (the deadline was today) instead of going across town and waiting in the long line. And to think I had the renewal card in my purse for the longest time and then I changed purses'...
it's now apparent I thought I was putting the form in a safe memorable spot ... lol ...
it was right in front of my face every time I was at the computer... go figure
I'm feeling a little off today... I hope the walk tonight helps

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Just Bit's

The weather has been so nice I made it a point today to hang out front with Ginger and pick up acorns.
Yuck, our new neighbor's are loud but what can you do, at least so far it's not been a regular thing.
I had a whole slue of errands to run but since I could not find my auto registration renewal well, I decided to focus on gathering recycle items for Thursday pickup and look for the form of course.
Watched Private Practice which, I thought was going to be more of a humorous show but the main storyline got the tears rolling. Some may say it's just a show but the story line of babies being accidentally switched at birth, the parents find out, the mistake is corrected and each have to deal with the heartache of it all. The more devastating twist was that one family that had the healthy baby learned their true baby had a short time to live. I could feel the pain and all the actors did a phenomenal job.
Thank goodness the ankle was better and we headed out the door with Sparky for our evening walk. The girls were not happy they were left behind but the boy sure did love it. He kept us at a fast pace! You go boy!
Hmmm well, Tuesday I know I was busy but... what I do remember is that I went grocery shopping and met a truly interesting soul, Pat. After a long chat about history/war he experienced, I encouraged him to start a blogspot for his family and friends. I'll let y'all know if he does since we have already exchanged e's, I feel certain he will let me know once he starts. Oh and if anyone saw the Ellen show... oh my gosh I fell in love with that little girl... so adorable in every way and I am certain she is going to make her mark in this world... definitely a gift from God... it was a blessing that I stopped to watch... but by evening both of us felt too tired to walk... ~sigh~ it happens...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

~ Splat ~ pass it on...

UPDATE: I didn't win but it was fun anticipating...

Orig post: I loooove this template designer! -
isn't that a song? ~ whata girl wants whata girl needs ~ -
actually it's ~ whata blog wants what a blog needs ~
Honestly, what I really want... I want to win! THERE I said it but... I thought I would be nice and pass it on ~ the opportunity that is, for my blog friends to enter... good luck all
Mom of The Lot out... with crossed fingers!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Cancer touches and ultimately changes lives forever. It invaded my family and I lost my mother to the ugly 'C'. It is still hard to accept.
Although, I am proud to share that my sister will be 8-years well from breast cancer this December. Therefore, I encourage all women young and old to seek out a mammogram and if you can't afford it, look for the programs in your area that help those in need. If possible request a digital... they are amazingly clear.
October though is designated specifically to Breast Cancer Awareness which, is another way of saying ... do your self-exams... not only this month but every month. In addition, a selfless act of kindness could save a life... remind all those you know and even those you don't know to do their own exams.
If you would, every time you visit Our Lot, please leave by way of 'clicking out' on the pink Cancer logo on the side panel. Your selfless click will help support free mammogram programs... Thank You!

Remember, when you find it early a cure is possible! Go Pink!