Cancer touches and ultimately changes lives forever. It invaded my family and I lost my mother to the ugly 'C'. It is still hard to accept.
Although, I am proud to share that my sister will be 8-years well from breast cancer this December. Therefore, I encourage all women young and old to seek out a mammogram and if you can't afford it, look for the programs in your area that help those in need. If possible request a digital... they are amazingly clear.
October though is designated specifically to Breast Cancer Awareness which, is another way of saying ... do your self-exams... not only this month but every month. In addition, a selfless act of kindness could save a life... remind all those you know and even those you don't know to do their own exams.
If you would, every time you visit Our Lot, please leave by way of 'clicking out' on the pink Cancer logo on the side panel. Your selfless click will help support free mammogram programs... Thank You!
Remember, when you find it early a cure is possible! Go Pink!
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