-A night without dreams! or at least I do not remember them if I did
I am somewhat more rested and the bad dreams are a faint memory!
Pondering thoughts on the prescription vitamin which, I did not take yesterday. Could that have something to do with the sudden sleep time brain activity? We'll see... I just took one :)
3 Guest(s):
I know what you mean about dreams I dream all the time and talk in my sleep always. hey our guy didn"t make it on Tues eve. Cas Haley on americas got talent. Terry Vader was o.k though. But I sure was rooting for cas. I hope he continues in his singing and get C.D.s made and makes a name for himself.
Hi Joanne. Nice that you stopped by. We watched Tues. & agree Cas is REALLY good & got tremendous exposure which, we believe will be the catalyst to a record deal $ we expect to see a lot more of him. We didn't really watch AGT because there was so many acts we didn’t feel deserved to make it as far as they did. That caused us to miss out on Terry’s performances; once they showed his recap and his eloquent, well spoken & humble speech vs. Cas’ unprepared-ness & self gain statement at the end w/o even a mention to his opponent as Terry did, left us ecstatic that God tilted the vote. 'T' has a great voice on his own & to add the cool puppets reaches out to all family members. Terry will be a great act in Vegas, Muppets, etc. considering we didn't vote… we're pleased; glad they were the last 2 standing,,,,smiles
you are right about cas and his speech Terry did come out better with his speech. And I hope your dreams are good dreams I know my aren"t all the time. Wonder what causes some of them.
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